Devlog 1 Feb. 5th 2022

Hey guys Saturdays are our days for updates so so while I was updating our discord on some things I thought I would give our a brief update of what we've done so far. Keep in mind I plan to update the alpha on the 12th of Feb when we launch our Kickstarter so this is just a heads up of what we have fixed and will not be present in the alpha that you download and play. Apologies for this but look forward to the improvements and the product on the 12th! Below is what we've cross off in terms of getting stuff done, we've got a lot more to go through but we are making some nice progress! On the discord I gave some interesting lore information, let me know if you want that here as well!


  1. -Locked into the slide, unable to jump out of it or attack out of it.
  2. -Town Music is too loud compared to other sounds.
  3. -Dialogue is too rigid, unable to skip after it begins.
  4. -Dialogue is hard to read, consider a different font.
  5. -First breakable pile is not noticeable enough.
  6. -Tooltips above the first checkpoints/slide areas/ to teach the player better without forcing them to read a wall of text.


  1. -Dragging HP Bar (click on screen and drag).
  2. -Controller Map/Move are mixed up and need to be fixed.
  3. -PortBat is not mapped on controls.
  4. -Enemies flicker invisible as they walk/move. 
  5.  -Able to attack Up/Down in slide to cancel slide.  
  6.  -Background music in Offline does not loop. 
  7.  -Able to attack while saving at a charge port.
  8. -Dying does not reset the fade squares for the light of the level.
  9. -Sliding/jumping at the same time can cause your slide to be weird.
  10. -Taking damage while sliding returns Shell to standing even if no space is available for him to stand. 

Again, these updates will be live on the 12th! Look forward to them but for now revel in our progress! Thanks for the support and have a wonderful week. See you next Saturday!

Files 71 MB
Feb 02, 2022

Get Project S.H.E.L.L.

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